Module libratools.lbt_datasets

The libratools.lbt_datasets module includes utilities to load, manipulate and save trajectory datasets.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The libratools.lbt_datasets module includes utilities to load, manipulate 
and save trajectory datasets.

import os     # standard library
import yaml
import pathlib
import configparser

import locale    # 3rd party packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

__author__ = "Vincent (Vince) J. Straub"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Testing"

# set config file depending on whether or is being run
if pathlib.Path.cwd().name is 'Processing':
    CONFIG_PATH = pathlib.Path.cwd() / './libratools/libratools/config.ini'
elif pathlib.Path.cwd().name is 'DevExDashboard':
    CONFIG_PATH = pathlib.Path.cwd().parents[1] / './libratools/libratools/config.ini'

class configReader:
    __conf = None

    def config():
        if configReader.__conf is None:  # read only once, lazy
            configReader.__conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
        return configReader.__conf

# read directory configuration for global vars
BIOTRACKER_COLS = configReader.config()['VARS']['BIOTRACKER_COLS'].split(',\n')

def check_columns(df, columns=BIOTRACKER_COLS):
    Checks there are expected number of columns, returns dataframe
    with columns redefined and index reset if not.

        df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe to check.
        col_num (int, default=14): used as reference for number of
            columns that should be in dataframe.
        columns (list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS): list of reference columns
            that should be in dataframe.
    if list(df.columns) != columns:
        df = df.reset_index()
        df.columns = columns
    return df

def load_trajectory(file_path, dropna=False, na_summary=True, skiprows=3,
                    warn_bad_lines=True, sep=';', cols=BIOTRACKER_COLS,
                    keycols=['FRAME', 'x', 'y']):
    Loads a CSV file generated from BioTracker using Pandas and numpy.
    Note that the first 3 rows containing metadata and lines with too
    many commas are automatically dropped. Whether to drop rows with
    missing values (NaN) is left up to the user.

        file_path (string): path to file.
        drop_na (bool, default=False): if drop_na=False NaN rows are kept, if
            drop_na=True NaN rows are dropped (where at least one element is
        na_summary (bool, default=True): if na_summary=True, the number of
            rows dropped is displayed as an int.
        skiprows (int): number of rows to skip.
        warn_bad_lines (bool, default=True): If error_bad_lines is False,
            and warn_bad_lines is True, a warning for each “bad line” will
            be output.
        sep (str, default=';'): seperator to use.
        cols (list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS): list of expected column values.
        keycols (list, default=['FRAME', 'x', 'y']): list of key columns to 
            check for missing values.

        A pandas.DataFrame.
        A numpy array.
    # message to display if NaN values detected
    NA_MSG = 'Missing FRAME, x, and y values detected for file:\n'

    # read csv file
    df = pd.read_csv(file_path, skiprows=skiprows, delimiter=sep,
                     error_bad_lines=False, warn_bad_lines=warn_bad_lines)

    # check columns exist
    df = check_columns(df, columns=cols)

    # check for missing values in key columns
    if df[keycols].isna().sum().any() is True:
        # store info on rows with missing values
        num_na_rows = np.count_nonzero(df[keycols].isna())
        # decide whether to drop rows and display summary info
        if dropna and na_summary is True:
            print(NA_MSG + file_path)
            df = df.dropna()
            print('Rows dropped: {}.\n'.format(num_na_rows))
        elif dropna is False and na_summary is True:
            print(NA_MSG + file_path)
            print('Rows with missing values: {}.\n'.format(num_na_rows))
        elif dropna is True and na_summary is False:
            df = df.dropna()


    # convert timeString column to datetime
    date_time_format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
    # set locale to German time for converting timeString column
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('de', 'utf-8'))
    df['timeString'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timeString'], errors='ignore',
    # convert DataFrame to numpy array
    data = df.to_numpy()

    return df, data

def load_npz(file_path, array=''):
    Loads NPZ file from disk and returns as numpy array, optionally
    returning a single array.

        file_path (str): path to file.
        array (str, default=''): array key to index NPZ file, if
            array='' NPZ object is returned.

        f (numpy array).
    f = np.load(file_path)
    if array != '':
            data = f[array]
            return data
        except KeyError:
            print(f'{array} is not a key in the NPZ file.')
        return f

def read_file_paths(indir='cwd', extension='.csv', warning=True, suffix=False,
    Stores paths of files with specified file type in a list; first looks 
    in current directory before asking user to provide alternative directory
    path if none are found.

        indir (str, default='cwd'): input directory containing files.
        extension (str, default='csv'): file extension.
        warning (bool default=True): if warning=True, an informational 
            message is displayed in case no files are found.
        suffix (bool default=False): if suffix=True, only file paths 
            ending in suffix_str are returned.
        suffix_str (str, ''): suffix.

        A list of file paths.
    # search for files in current directory if no indir is provided
    extension = extension.lower()
    extension_cap = extension.capitalize()
    if indir == 'cwd':
        file_paths = [p for p in indir.rglob(f'*{extension}')]
        num_files = len(file_paths)

        # prompt user for directory path if no none found else store paths
        if num_files == 0:
            print(f'No {extension_cap} files found in current working directory')

    # check provided directory path exists and read files
        assert os.path.exists(indir), 'Directory path not found.'
        file_paths = [p for p in indir.rglob(f'*{extension}')]

        # check CSV files exist
        num_files = len(file_paths)
        if num_files == 0 and warning is True:
            print(f'No {extension_cap} files found in {indir}.')

        if suffix is True:
            files_dir = pathlib.Path(file_paths[0]).parents[0]
            file_stems = [pathlib.Path(p).stem for p in file_paths]
            files = [f + extension for f in file_stems if
                    os.path.splitext(f)[1][-len(suffix_str):] == suffix_str]
            file_paths = [files_dir / f for f in files]

    return file_paths, num_files

def find_dir(path='cwd', prefix='', suffix=''):
    Returns subdirectory path that begins and ends with specific strings by
    using os.walk() to search through all directory and file paths in root
    directory of current working directory.
        path (str, default=cwd): directory to search, if default=cwd,
            the current working directory is searched.
        prefix (str, default=''): prefix of subdirectory path.
        suffix (str, default=''): suffix of subdirectory path.
        dir_path (str).
    prefix_str = str(prefix)
    suffix_str = str(suffix)
    date_dir = None
    if path == 'cwd':
        path = pathlib.Path.cwd()
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for dir in dirs:
            if dir.startswith(f"{prefix_str}") and dir.endswith(f"{suffix_str}"):
                date_dir = dir

    if date_dir is None:
        print(f'Directory ending with {suffix} not found.')
        return date_dir

def list_dirs(parent_dir_path):
    Returns all child directory names in parent directory as a list.
        parent_dir_path (str): path to directory containing subdirectories.
    return [d for d in os.listdir(parent_dir_path) if
            os.path.isdir(pathlib.Path(parent_dir_path, d))]

def read_subdir_paths(parent_dir=''):
    Returns directory paths for all subdirectories in provided directory
    path as strings in a list, and number of subdirectories as an integer.S
        parent_dir (str, default=''): directory in which to locate all
            subdirectories, defaults to current working directory if not
            path is provided.
    if parent_dir == '':
        parent_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd()

    # locate subdirectories
        subdirs = [parent_dir + file for file in list_dirs(parent_dir)]
    except ValueError:
        print('Provided directory path not found.')
    # store directory count as number of recordings
    num_dirs = len(set(subdirs))

    # load each file
    file_paths = []
    for subdir in subdirs:
        file_path, _ = read_file_paths(indir=subdir)
        for file in file_path:

    return file_paths, num_dirs

def read_metadata(file_path, num_comment_lines=3):
    Returns metadata stored as comments in the first few lines of a
    BioTracker-generated CSV file as list where each comment is an item
    stored as a string.

        file_path (str): path to BioTracker-generated CSV file.
        num_comment_lines (int, default=3): number of lines at the beginning
            of file that contain comments.
    with open(file_path) as file:
        # Read specified number of lines
        metadata = [file.readline() for line in range(num_comment_lines)]

    return metadata

def extract_comments_as_dict(dic):
    Takes list of key-value pair comments and returns dict by 
    splitting on standard python chars # and \n.
    comments = [comment.split('#')[1].strip() for comment in dic]
    keys = [val.split(':')[0] for val in comments]
    keys_comments = dict(zip(keys, comments))
    values = [k.replace(j + ':', '').strip() for j, k in keys_comments.items()]
    dic = dict(zip(keys, values))
    for key in dic.keys():
        dic[key] = dic[key].strip()
            dic[key] = float(dic[key])
        except ValueError:

        return dic

def get_chunk_number_from_path(file_path, dir_sep='/', subdir_sep='.',
    Returns last two characters of file path corresponding to chunk number.

        file_path (str): path to file.
        dir_sep (str, default='/'): character that separates directories and
            files in file path.
        subdir_sep (str, default='.'): character that further separates
            directories and files in file path.
        as_str (bool, default=True): if as_str=True, chunk number is returned
            as string.
    # split file path up using '/' and '.' separator
    _chunk_num = pathlib.Path(file_path).stem.split(f'{dir_sep}')[-1].split(f'{subdir_sep}')
        chunk_num = int(_chunk_num[0])
        if as_str is True:
            return str(chunk_num)
            return chunk_num
    except ValueError:
        print(f'Chunk value {_chunk_num[0]} is not an integer value.')

def save_trajectory_to_csv(df, f_name='', outdir='', metadata='', 
                           extension='.csv', save_msg=True, add_metadata=True, 
    Saves pandas.DataFrame object as a CSV file and prepends any metadata
    provided in a file object.
        df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe to be saved to file.
        metadata (list, str): metdata to be stored to file, can be either
            a string of a list of strings.
        f_name (str): file path.
        outdir: output directory.
        save_msg (bool, default=True): prints message to confirm track
            has been saved if save_msg=True.
        add_metadata (bool, default=True): adds metadata comments to file
            as header if add_metadata=Trueread_file_path.
        suffix (str, default='_processed'): suffix to add to the end of file
            when saving.
    # save DataFrame to CSV
    f = pathlib.Path(f_name).stem + suffix + extension
    path = outdir / f
    df.to_csv(path, sep=',', encoding='utf-8',

    # optionally prepend metadata to CSV
    if add_metadata is True:
        prepend_comments_to_csv(path, metadata)

    # optionally confirm saving
    if save_msg:
        if suffix is '_processed':
            print(f'Processed {pathlib.Path(f_name).stem}{extension} and saved file to disk.\n')
            print(f'Merged {pathlib.Path(f_name).stem}{extension} and saved file to disk.')

def prepend_comments_to_csv(file, comments, extension='.csv'):
    Insert a list of strings as a new lines at the beginning of a CSV file.
    # define name of temporary dummy file
    file_path = pathlib.Path(file).parents[0]
    file_name = pathlib.Path(file).stem
    temp_file = file_path / (file_name + '.bak')
    # open given original file in read mode  and dummy file in write mode
    with open(file, 'r') as read_obj, open(temp_file, 'w') as write_obj:
        # iterate over list of comments and write them to dummy file as lines
        for line in comments:
        # read lines from original file and append them to the dummy file
        for line in read_obj:
    # remove original file
    # rename dummy file as the original file
    new_extension = temp_file.with_suffix(extension)

def read_yaml_as_dict(path):
    Returns yaml dict values.
    with open(path, 'r') as stream:
            dic = yaml.safe_load(stream)
        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

    return dic

def dict_to_comments(dic, sep=': '):
    Takes dictionary key, value paris and returns list of comments.
    comments = ['# '+str(k)+sep+str(v)+'\n' for k, v in dic.items()]

    return comments


def check_columns(df, columns=['FRAME', 'MillisecsByFPS', 'objectName', 'valid', 'id', 'coordinateUnit', 'x', 'y', 'rad', 'deg', 'xpx', 'ypx', 'time', 'timeString'])

Checks there are expected number of columns, returns dataframe with columns redefined and index reset if not.


df : pandas.DataFrame
dataframe to check.
col_num : int, default=14
used as reference for number of columns that should be in dataframe.
columns : list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS
list of reference columns that should be in dataframe.
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def check_columns(df, columns=BIOTRACKER_COLS):
    Checks there are expected number of columns, returns dataframe
    with columns redefined and index reset if not.

        df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe to check.
        col_num (int, default=14): used as reference for number of
            columns that should be in dataframe.
        columns (list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS): list of reference columns
            that should be in dataframe.
    if list(df.columns) != columns:
        df = df.reset_index()
        df.columns = columns
    return df
def dict_to_comments(dic, sep=': ')

Takes dictionary key, value paris and returns list of comments.

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def dict_to_comments(dic, sep=': '):
    Takes dictionary key, value paris and returns list of comments.
    comments = ['# '+str(k)+sep+str(v)+'\n' for k, v in dic.items()]

    return comments
def extract_comments_as_dict(dic)

Takes list of key-value pair comments and returns dict by splitting on standard python chars # and .

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def extract_comments_as_dict(dic):
    Takes list of key-value pair comments and returns dict by 
    splitting on standard python chars # and \n.
    comments = [comment.split('#')[1].strip() for comment in dic]
    keys = [val.split(':')[0] for val in comments]
    keys_comments = dict(zip(keys, comments))
    values = [k.replace(j + ':', '').strip() for j, k in keys_comments.items()]
    dic = dict(zip(keys, values))
    for key in dic.keys():
        dic[key] = dic[key].strip()
            dic[key] = float(dic[key])
        except ValueError:

        return dic
def find_dir(path='cwd', prefix='', suffix='')

Returns subdirectory path that begins and ends with specific strings by using os.walk() to search through all directory and file paths in root directory of current working directory.


path : str, default=cwd
directory to search, if default=cwd, the current working directory is searched.

prefix (str, default=''): prefix of subdirectory path. suffix (str, default=''): suffix of subdirectory path.


dir_path (str).

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def find_dir(path='cwd', prefix='', suffix=''):
    Returns subdirectory path that begins and ends with specific strings by
    using os.walk() to search through all directory and file paths in root
    directory of current working directory.
        path (str, default=cwd): directory to search, if default=cwd,
            the current working directory is searched.
        prefix (str, default=''): prefix of subdirectory path.
        suffix (str, default=''): suffix of subdirectory path.
        dir_path (str).
    prefix_str = str(prefix)
    suffix_str = str(suffix)
    date_dir = None
    if path == 'cwd':
        path = pathlib.Path.cwd()
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for dir in dirs:
            if dir.startswith(f"{prefix_str}") and dir.endswith(f"{suffix_str}"):
                date_dir = dir

    if date_dir is None:
        print(f'Directory ending with {suffix} not found.')
        return date_dir
def get_chunk_number_from_path(file_path, dir_sep='/', subdir_sep='.', as_str=False)

Returns last two characters of file path corresponding to chunk number.


file_path : str
path to file.
dir_sep (str, default='/'): character that separates directories and
files in file path.
subdir_sep (str, default='.'): character that further separates
directories and files in file path.
as_str : bool, default=True
if as_str=True, chunk number is returned as string.
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def get_chunk_number_from_path(file_path, dir_sep='/', subdir_sep='.',
    Returns last two characters of file path corresponding to chunk number.

        file_path (str): path to file.
        dir_sep (str, default='/'): character that separates directories and
            files in file path.
        subdir_sep (str, default='.'): character that further separates
            directories and files in file path.
        as_str (bool, default=True): if as_str=True, chunk number is returned
            as string.
    # split file path up using '/' and '.' separator
    _chunk_num = pathlib.Path(file_path).stem.split(f'{dir_sep}')[-1].split(f'{subdir_sep}')
        chunk_num = int(_chunk_num[0])
        if as_str is True:
            return str(chunk_num)
            return chunk_num
    except ValueError:
        print(f'Chunk value {_chunk_num[0]} is not an integer value.')
def list_dirs(parent_dir_path)

Returns all child directory names in parent directory as a list.


parent_dir_path : str
path to directory containing subdirectories.
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def list_dirs(parent_dir_path):
    Returns all child directory names in parent directory as a list.
        parent_dir_path (str): path to directory containing subdirectories.
    return [d for d in os.listdir(parent_dir_path) if
            os.path.isdir(pathlib.Path(parent_dir_path, d))]
def load_npz(file_path, array='')

Loads NPZ file from disk and returns as numpy array, optionally returning a single array.


file_path : str
path to file.

array (str, default=''): array key to index NPZ file, if array='' NPZ object is returned.


f (numpy array).

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def load_npz(file_path, array=''):
    Loads NPZ file from disk and returns as numpy array, optionally
    returning a single array.

        file_path (str): path to file.
        array (str, default=''): array key to index NPZ file, if
            array='' NPZ object is returned.

        f (numpy array).
    f = np.load(file_path)
    if array != '':
            data = f[array]
            return data
        except KeyError:
            print(f'{array} is not a key in the NPZ file.')
        return f
def load_trajectory(file_path, dropna=False, na_summary=True, skiprows=3, warn_bad_lines=True, sep=';', cols=['FRAME', 'MillisecsByFPS', 'objectName', 'valid', 'id', 'coordinateUnit', 'x', 'y', 'rad', 'deg', 'xpx', 'ypx', 'time', 'timeString'], keycols=['FRAME', 'x', 'y'])

Loads a CSV file generated from BioTracker using Pandas and numpy. Note that the first 3 rows containing metadata and lines with too many commas are automatically dropped. Whether to drop rows with missing values (NaN) is left up to the user.


file_path : string
path to file.
drop_na : bool, default=False
if drop_na=False NaN rows are kept, if drop_na=True NaN rows are dropped (where at least one element is missing)
na_summary : bool, default=True
if na_summary=True, the number of rows dropped is displayed as an int.
skiprows : int
number of rows to skip.
warn_bad_lines : bool, default=True
If error_bad_lines is False, and warn_bad_lines is True, a warning for each “bad line” will be output.
sep (str, default=';'): seperator to use.
cols : list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS
list of expected column values.

keycols (list, default=['FRAME', 'x', 'y']): list of key columns to check for missing values.


A pandas.DataFrame. A numpy array.

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def load_trajectory(file_path, dropna=False, na_summary=True, skiprows=3,
                    warn_bad_lines=True, sep=';', cols=BIOTRACKER_COLS,
                    keycols=['FRAME', 'x', 'y']):
    Loads a CSV file generated from BioTracker using Pandas and numpy.
    Note that the first 3 rows containing metadata and lines with too
    many commas are automatically dropped. Whether to drop rows with
    missing values (NaN) is left up to the user.

        file_path (string): path to file.
        drop_na (bool, default=False): if drop_na=False NaN rows are kept, if
            drop_na=True NaN rows are dropped (where at least one element is
        na_summary (bool, default=True): if na_summary=True, the number of
            rows dropped is displayed as an int.
        skiprows (int): number of rows to skip.
        warn_bad_lines (bool, default=True): If error_bad_lines is False,
            and warn_bad_lines is True, a warning for each “bad line” will
            be output.
        sep (str, default=';'): seperator to use.
        cols (list, default=BIOTRACKER_COLS): list of expected column values.
        keycols (list, default=['FRAME', 'x', 'y']): list of key columns to 
            check for missing values.

        A pandas.DataFrame.
        A numpy array.
    # message to display if NaN values detected
    NA_MSG = 'Missing FRAME, x, and y values detected for file:\n'

    # read csv file
    df = pd.read_csv(file_path, skiprows=skiprows, delimiter=sep,
                     error_bad_lines=False, warn_bad_lines=warn_bad_lines)

    # check columns exist
    df = check_columns(df, columns=cols)

    # check for missing values in key columns
    if df[keycols].isna().sum().any() is True:
        # store info on rows with missing values
        num_na_rows = np.count_nonzero(df[keycols].isna())
        # decide whether to drop rows and display summary info
        if dropna and na_summary is True:
            print(NA_MSG + file_path)
            df = df.dropna()
            print('Rows dropped: {}.\n'.format(num_na_rows))
        elif dropna is False and na_summary is True:
            print(NA_MSG + file_path)
            print('Rows with missing values: {}.\n'.format(num_na_rows))
        elif dropna is True and na_summary is False:
            df = df.dropna()


    # convert timeString column to datetime
    date_time_format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
    # set locale to German time for converting timeString column
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('de', 'utf-8'))
    df['timeString'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timeString'], errors='ignore',
    # convert DataFrame to numpy array
    data = df.to_numpy()

    return df, data
def prepend_comments_to_csv(file, comments, extension='.csv')

Insert a list of strings as a new lines at the beginning of a CSV file.

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def prepend_comments_to_csv(file, comments, extension='.csv'):
    Insert a list of strings as a new lines at the beginning of a CSV file.
    # define name of temporary dummy file
    file_path = pathlib.Path(file).parents[0]
    file_name = pathlib.Path(file).stem
    temp_file = file_path / (file_name + '.bak')
    # open given original file in read mode  and dummy file in write mode
    with open(file, 'r') as read_obj, open(temp_file, 'w') as write_obj:
        # iterate over list of comments and write them to dummy file as lines
        for line in comments:
        # read lines from original file and append them to the dummy file
        for line in read_obj:
    # remove original file
    # rename dummy file as the original file
    new_extension = temp_file.with_suffix(extension)
def read_file_paths(indir='cwd', extension='.csv', warning=True, suffix=False, suffix_str='')

Stores paths of files with specified file type in a list; first looks in current directory before asking user to provide alternative directory path if none are found.


indir (str, default='cwd'): input directory containing files.
extension (str, default='csv'): file extension.
warning : bool default=True
if warning=True, an informational message is displayed in case no files are found.
suffix : bool default=False
if suffix=True, only file paths ending in suffix_str are returned.

suffix_str (str, ''): suffix.


A list of file paths.

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def read_file_paths(indir='cwd', extension='.csv', warning=True, suffix=False,
    Stores paths of files with specified file type in a list; first looks 
    in current directory before asking user to provide alternative directory
    path if none are found.

        indir (str, default='cwd'): input directory containing files.
        extension (str, default='csv'): file extension.
        warning (bool default=True): if warning=True, an informational 
            message is displayed in case no files are found.
        suffix (bool default=False): if suffix=True, only file paths 
            ending in suffix_str are returned.
        suffix_str (str, ''): suffix.

        A list of file paths.
    # search for files in current directory if no indir is provided
    extension = extension.lower()
    extension_cap = extension.capitalize()
    if indir == 'cwd':
        file_paths = [p for p in indir.rglob(f'*{extension}')]
        num_files = len(file_paths)

        # prompt user for directory path if no none found else store paths
        if num_files == 0:
            print(f'No {extension_cap} files found in current working directory')

    # check provided directory path exists and read files
        assert os.path.exists(indir), 'Directory path not found.'
        file_paths = [p for p in indir.rglob(f'*{extension}')]

        # check CSV files exist
        num_files = len(file_paths)
        if num_files == 0 and warning is True:
            print(f'No {extension_cap} files found in {indir}.')

        if suffix is True:
            files_dir = pathlib.Path(file_paths[0]).parents[0]
            file_stems = [pathlib.Path(p).stem for p in file_paths]
            files = [f + extension for f in file_stems if
                    os.path.splitext(f)[1][-len(suffix_str):] == suffix_str]
            file_paths = [files_dir / f for f in files]

    return file_paths, num_files
def read_metadata(file_path, num_comment_lines=3)

Returns metadata stored as comments in the first few lines of a BioTracker-generated CSV file as list where each comment is an item stored as a string.


file_path : str
path to BioTracker-generated CSV file.
num_comment_lines : int, default=3
number of lines at the beginning of file that contain comments.
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def read_metadata(file_path, num_comment_lines=3):
    Returns metadata stored as comments in the first few lines of a
    BioTracker-generated CSV file as list where each comment is an item
    stored as a string.

        file_path (str): path to BioTracker-generated CSV file.
        num_comment_lines (int, default=3): number of lines at the beginning
            of file that contain comments.
    with open(file_path) as file:
        # Read specified number of lines
        metadata = [file.readline() for line in range(num_comment_lines)]

    return metadata
def read_subdir_paths(parent_dir='')

Returns directory paths for all subdirectories in provided directory path as strings in a list, and number of subdirectories as an integer.S


parent_dir (str, default=''): directory in which to locate all subdirectories, defaults to current working directory if not path is provided.

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def read_subdir_paths(parent_dir=''):
    Returns directory paths for all subdirectories in provided directory
    path as strings in a list, and number of subdirectories as an integer.S
        parent_dir (str, default=''): directory in which to locate all
            subdirectories, defaults to current working directory if not
            path is provided.
    if parent_dir == '':
        parent_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd()

    # locate subdirectories
        subdirs = [parent_dir + file for file in list_dirs(parent_dir)]
    except ValueError:
        print('Provided directory path not found.')
    # store directory count as number of recordings
    num_dirs = len(set(subdirs))

    # load each file
    file_paths = []
    for subdir in subdirs:
        file_path, _ = read_file_paths(indir=subdir)
        for file in file_path:

    return file_paths, num_dirs
def read_yaml_as_dict(path)

Returns yaml dict values.

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def read_yaml_as_dict(path):
    Returns yaml dict values.
    with open(path, 'r') as stream:
            dic = yaml.safe_load(stream)
        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

    return dic
def save_trajectory_to_csv(df, f_name='', outdir='', metadata='', extension='.csv', save_msg=True, add_metadata=True, suffix='_processed')

Saves pandas.DataFrame object as a CSV file and prepends any metadata provided in a file object.


df : pandas.DataFrame
dataframe to be saved to file.
metadata : list, str
metdata to be stored to file, can be either a string of a list of strings.
f_name : str
file path.
output directory.
save_msg : bool, default=True
prints message to confirm track has been saved if save_msg=True.
add_metadata : bool, default=True
adds metadata comments to file as header if add_metadata=Trueread_file_path.

suffix (str, default='_processed'): suffix to add to the end of file when saving.

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def save_trajectory_to_csv(df, f_name='', outdir='', metadata='', 
                           extension='.csv', save_msg=True, add_metadata=True, 
    Saves pandas.DataFrame object as a CSV file and prepends any metadata
    provided in a file object.
        df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe to be saved to file.
        metadata (list, str): metdata to be stored to file, can be either
            a string of a list of strings.
        f_name (str): file path.
        outdir: output directory.
        save_msg (bool, default=True): prints message to confirm track
            has been saved if save_msg=True.
        add_metadata (bool, default=True): adds metadata comments to file
            as header if add_metadata=Trueread_file_path.
        suffix (str, default='_processed'): suffix to add to the end of file
            when saving.
    # save DataFrame to CSV
    f = pathlib.Path(f_name).stem + suffix + extension
    path = outdir / f
    df.to_csv(path, sep=',', encoding='utf-8',

    # optionally prepend metadata to CSV
    if add_metadata is True:
        prepend_comments_to_csv(path, metadata)

    # optionally confirm saving
    if save_msg:
        if suffix is '_processed':
            print(f'Processed {pathlib.Path(f_name).stem}{extension} and saved file to disk.\n')
            print(f'Merged {pathlib.Path(f_name).stem}{extension} and saved file to disk.')


class configReader
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class configReader:
    __conf = None

    def config():
        if configReader.__conf is None:  # read only once, lazy
            configReader.__conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
        return configReader.__conf

Static methods

def config()
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def config():
    if configReader.__conf is None:  # read only once, lazy
        configReader.__conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
    return configReader.__conf