Module libratools.lbt_inspect
The libratools.lbt_inspect module includes functions for inspecting a trajectory dataset.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The libratools.lbt_inspect module includes functions for inspecting a trajectory
import datetime # standard library
import numpy as np # 3rd party packages
import pandas as pd
from . import lbt_utils # local imports
from . import lbt_metrics
from . import lbt_datasets
__author__ = "Vincent (Vince) J. Straub"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Testing"
def get_step_len_stats(trajectory, step_col='stepLength'):
Returns mean, max, var, and standard deviation for step length,
where step refers to euclidean distance between two consecutive
data points in 2 dimension using the time interval between frame
values set in BioTracker.
trajectory (dict): dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata.
step_col (str, default='stepLength'): DataFrame column containg step
A dict of mean, max, var and std.
# append step length between frames to column
if step_col not in trajectory.columns:
trajectory[step_col] = lbt_metrics.get_step_len(
trajectory['x'], trajectory['y'])
# get euclidean distance values
step_vals = trajectory[step_col]
stats = {}
# compute mean, max, min, var, and stdev
stats['mean_step_len'] = np.mean(step_vals)
stats['max_step_len'] = np.max(step_vals)
stats['step_len_var'] = np.var(step_vals)
stats['step_len_std'] = np.std(step_vals)
return stats
def summarize(trajectory, x, y, time_col='timestamp', freq='60min',
unit='hr', FPS=5, display=False):
Returns summary statistics for primary movement metrics activity
(displacement), cumulative step leangth between consecutive coordinate
points, and relative turning angle: activity, activity per interval,
mean interval activity, median interval activity, mean step len, max step
len, step len variance, step len standard deviation, mean turning angle,
turning angle standard deviation.
trajectory (dict): dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata.
x (list or series): x-coordinate data points for distance calculation.
y (list of series): y-coordiante data points for distance calculation.
time_col (str, default='timestamp'): column to groupby for average
distance calculations per trajectory segment, must be datetime.
freq (str, default='60min'): length of time interval for which to
compute interval summary statistics.
unit (str, default='hr'): length of time interval for which to
compute mean activity, must be one of: sec, min, hr.
FPS (int, default=5): frames per second.
display(bool, default=False): if display=True, dictionary of summary
statistics is printed out.
stats (dict): dictionary of summary statistics.
stats = {}
# group by datetime column
trajectory[time_col] = pd.to_datetime(trajectory[time_col])
# compute total activity (cumulative euclidean distance)
total_activity = np.sum(lbt_metrics.get_step_len(x, y))
stats['activity'] = total_activity
# group by time interval
ti = trajectory.groupby([pd.Grouper(key=time_col, freq=freq)])
# compute displacement for each time interval
interval_activity_vals = {k: np.sum(lbt_metrics.get_step_len(
ti.get_group(k)['x'], ti.get_group(k)['y'])
) for k, v in ti.groups.items()}
# append to dict
stats['interval_activity_vals'] = interval_activity_vals
# compute median activity per time interval
stats['med_interval_activity'] = np.nanmedian(
# append mean activity per unit time
mean_activity = total_activity / len(trajectory)
if unit == 'sec':
mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * FPS
elif unit == 'min':
mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * (60 * FPS)
elif unit == 'hr':
mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * (3600 * FPS)
# append mean value to dict
stats['mean_activity'] = mean_activity_per_unit_time
# compute step length statistics
step_len_stats = get_step_len_stats(trajectory)
# compute relative turning angles across segments
turning_angles = lbt_metrics.get_relative_turn_angle(trajectory)
# append mean and standard deviation of distribution
stats['mean_turning_angle'] = np.nanmean(turning_angles)
stats['turning_angle_std'] = np.nanstd(turning_angles)
if display is True:
return stats
def get_track_len(file_paths):
Returns total track length (amount of recording footage) as string,
in HH:MM:SS format, across all supplied CSV files, number of file
paths provided rounded up.
file_paths (list): list of CSV file paths as strings.
num_files = len(file_paths)
# count total track length for each .csv file
track_lens_ms = []
for path in file_paths:
# load file into DataFrame
df, _ = lbt_datasets.load_csv(path, na_summary=False,
# get total time in milliseoconds
track_len_ms = df['MillisecsByFPS'].tail(1).item()
except ValueError:
print('Error when trying to read:\n{}'.format(path))
# store track length in ms and append to list
# sum and convert to seconds
total_track_len_ms = sum(track_lens_ms)
total_track_len_s = int(lbt_utils.convert_milliseconds(
# store as string in datetime format
time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_track_len_s)
return time, num_files
def get_recording_time_elapsed(df, num_missing_vals, time_col='MillisecsByFPS',
time_interval=40, unit='mins'):
Returns maximum value of timekeeping column in a DataFrame after
subtracting amount of time missed as a result of NaN values.
df (pandas DataFrame): pandas DataFrame.
num_missing_vals (int): number of NaNs in key columns
time_col (str, default=MillisecsByFPS): time-keeping column.
time_interval (int, default=40): time interval between rows
in milliseconds.
unit (str, default=hours): time unit for returning time_elapsed.
time_elapsed (int)
total_time_elapsed = df[time_col].iloc[-1]
time_missing = num_missing_vals * time_interval
time_elapsed = total_time_elapsed - time_missing
if unit in ['secs', 'mins', 'hrs', 'days']:
time_elapsed = lbt_utils.convert_milliseconds(time_elapsed)[unit]
elif unit == 'ms':
raise Exception("Unit is not one of: ms, secs, hrs, days.")
return time_elapsed
def time_change_from_frame_count(frame_count, time_between_frames=0.2,
Returns time elapsed based on frame count and time between frames.
frame_count (int): number of frames.
time_between_frames (float, default=0.2): time between frames in
unit (str, default=mins): time unit for returning time_elapsed
time_elapased (int)
d_s = frame_count * time_between_frames
d_mins, d_hrs = lbt_utils.convert_seconds(d_s)
if unit == 'mins':
return d_mins
elif unit == 'hrs':
return d_hrs
print('unit needs to be one of: mins, hrs.')
def time_change_between_timestamps(starttime, endtime,
str_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', unit='mins'):
Returns time elapsed between two datetime timestamp values.
starttime (datetime.datetime): datetime object corresponding to
start time.
endtime (datetime.datetime): datetime object corresponding to end
time from which to subtract starttime.
str_format (str, default='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): time format of str if
strattime or endtime are str objects that need to be converted to
datetime objects.
unit (str, default=mins): time unit for returning time_elapsed
time_elapased (datetime.datetime)
if type(starttime) == str:
starttime = datetime.strptime(starttime, str_format)
if type(endtime) == str:
endtime = datetime.strptime(endtime, str_format)
d_s = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds()
d_mins, d_hrs = lbt_utils.convert_seconds(d_s)
if unit == 'mins':
return d_mins
elif unit == 'hrs':
return d_hrs
print('unit needs to be one of: mins, hrs.')
def get_recording_time_elapsed(df, num_missing_vals, time_col='MillisecsByFPS', time_interval=40, unit='mins')
Returns maximum value of timekeeping column in a DataFrame after subtracting amount of time missed as a result of NaN values.
:pandas DataFrame
- pandas DataFrame.
- number of NaNs in key columns
, default=MillisecsByFPS
- time-keeping column.
, default=40
- time interval between rows in milliseconds.
, default=hours
- time unit for returning time_elapsed.
time_elapsed (int)
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def get_recording_time_elapsed(df, num_missing_vals, time_col='MillisecsByFPS', time_interval=40, unit='mins'): """ Returns maximum value of timekeeping column in a DataFrame after subtracting amount of time missed as a result of NaN values. Args: df (pandas DataFrame): pandas DataFrame. num_missing_vals (int): number of NaNs in key columns time_col (str, default=MillisecsByFPS): time-keeping column. time_interval (int, default=40): time interval between rows in milliseconds. unit (str, default=hours): time unit for returning time_elapsed. Returns: time_elapsed (int) """ total_time_elapsed = df[time_col].iloc[-1] time_missing = num_missing_vals * time_interval time_elapsed = total_time_elapsed - time_missing if unit in ['secs', 'mins', 'hrs', 'days']: time_elapsed = lbt_utils.convert_milliseconds(time_elapsed)[unit] elif unit == 'ms': pass else: raise Exception("Unit is not one of: ms, secs, hrs, days.") return time_elapsed
def get_step_len_stats(trajectory, step_col='stepLength')
Returns mean, max, var, and standard deviation for step length, where step refers to euclidean distance between two consecutive data points in 2 dimension using the time interval between frame values set in BioTracker.
- dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata.
step_col (str, default='stepLength'): DataFrame column containg step lengths.
A dict of mean, max, var and std.
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def get_step_len_stats(trajectory, step_col='stepLength'): """ Returns mean, max, var, and standard deviation for step length, where step refers to euclidean distance between two consecutive data points in 2 dimension using the time interval between frame values set in BioTracker. Args: trajectory (dict): dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata. step_col (str, default='stepLength'): DataFrame column containg step lengths. Returns: A dict of mean, max, var and std. """ # append step length between frames to column if step_col not in trajectory.columns: trajectory[step_col] = lbt_metrics.get_step_len( trajectory['x'], trajectory['y']) # get euclidean distance values step_vals = trajectory[step_col] stats = {} # compute mean, max, min, var, and stdev stats['mean_step_len'] = np.mean(step_vals) stats['max_step_len'] = np.max(step_vals) stats['step_len_var'] = np.var(step_vals) stats['step_len_std'] = np.std(step_vals) return stats
def get_track_len(file_paths)
Returns total track length (amount of recording footage) as string, in HH:MM:SS format, across all supplied CSV files, number of file paths provided rounded up.
- list of CSV file paths as strings.
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def get_track_len(file_paths): """ Returns total track length (amount of recording footage) as string, in HH:MM:SS format, across all supplied CSV files, number of file paths provided rounded up. Args: file_paths (list): list of CSV file paths as strings. """ num_files = len(file_paths) # count total track length for each .csv file track_lens_ms = [] for path in file_paths: # load file into DataFrame df, _ = lbt_datasets.load_csv(path, na_summary=False, warn_bad_lines=False) try: # get total time in milliseoconds track_len_ms = df['MillisecsByFPS'].tail(1).item() except ValueError: print('Error when trying to read:\n{}'.format(path)) # store track length in ms and append to list track_lens_ms.append(track_len_ms) # sum and convert to seconds total_track_len_ms = sum(track_lens_ms) total_track_len_s = int(lbt_utils.convert_milliseconds( total_track_len_ms)['secs']) # store as string in datetime format time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_track_len_s) return time, num_files
def summarize(trajectory, x, y, time_col='timestamp', freq='60min', unit='hr', FPS=5, display=False)
Returns summary statistics for primary movement metrics activity (displacement), cumulative step leangth between consecutive coordinate points, and relative turning angle: activity, activity per interval, mean interval activity, median interval activity, mean step len, max step len, step len variance, step len standard deviation, mean turning angle, turning angle standard deviation.
- dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata.
- x-coordinate data points for distance calculation.
- y-coordiante data points for distance calculation.
- time_col (str, default='timestamp'): column to groupby for average
- distance calculations per trajectory segment, must be datetime.
- freq (str, default='60min'): length of time interval for which to
- compute interval summary statistics.
- unit (str, default='hr'): length of time interval for which to
- compute mean activity, must be one of: sec, min, hr.
, default=5
- frames per second.
display(bool, default=False): if display=True, dictionary of summary statistics is printed out.
stats (dict): dictionary of summary statistics.
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def summarize(trajectory, x, y, time_col='timestamp', freq='60min', unit='hr', FPS=5, display=False): """ Returns summary statistics for primary movement metrics activity (displacement), cumulative step leangth between consecutive coordinate points, and relative turning angle: activity, activity per interval, mean interval activity, median interval activity, mean step len, max step len, step len variance, step len standard deviation, mean turning angle, turning angle standard deviation. Args: trajectory (dict): dictionary of trajectory DataFrame and metadata. x (list or series): x-coordinate data points for distance calculation. y (list of series): y-coordiante data points for distance calculation. time_col (str, default='timestamp'): column to groupby for average distance calculations per trajectory segment, must be datetime. freq (str, default='60min'): length of time interval for which to compute interval summary statistics. unit (str, default='hr'): length of time interval for which to compute mean activity, must be one of: sec, min, hr. FPS (int, default=5): frames per second. display(bool, default=False): if display=True, dictionary of summary statistics is printed out. Returns: stats (dict): dictionary of summary statistics. """ stats = {} # group by datetime column trajectory[time_col] = pd.to_datetime(trajectory[time_col]) # compute total activity (cumulative euclidean distance) total_activity = np.sum(lbt_metrics.get_step_len(x, y)) stats['activity'] = total_activity # group by time interval ti = trajectory.groupby([pd.Grouper(key=time_col, freq=freq)]) # compute displacement for each time interval interval_activity_vals = {k: np.sum(lbt_metrics.get_step_len( ti.get_group(k)['x'], ti.get_group(k)['y']) ) for k, v in ti.groups.items()} # append to dict stats['interval_activity_vals'] = interval_activity_vals # compute median activity per time interval stats['med_interval_activity'] = np.nanmedian( list(interval_activity_vals.values())) # append mean activity per unit time mean_activity = total_activity / len(trajectory) if unit == 'sec': mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * FPS elif unit == 'min': mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * (60 * FPS) elif unit == 'hr': mean_activity_per_unit_time = mean_activity * (3600 * FPS) # append mean value to dict stats['mean_activity'] = mean_activity_per_unit_time # compute step length statistics step_len_stats = get_step_len_stats(trajectory) stats.update(step_len_stats) # compute relative turning angles across segments turning_angles = lbt_metrics.get_relative_turn_angle(trajectory) # append mean and standard deviation of distribution stats['mean_turning_angle'] = np.nanmean(turning_angles) stats['turning_angle_std'] = np.nanstd(turning_angles) if display is True: print(stats) return stats
def time_change_between_timestamps(starttime, endtime, str_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', unit='mins')
Returns time elapsed between two datetime timestamp values.
- datetime object corresponding to start time.
- datetime object corresponding to end time from which to subtract starttime.
- str_format (str, default='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): time format of str if
- strattime or endtime are str objects that need to be converted to
- datetime objects.
, default=mins
- time unit for returning time_elapsed
time_elapased (datetime.datetime)
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def time_change_between_timestamps(starttime, endtime, str_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', unit='mins'): """ Returns time elapsed between two datetime timestamp values. Args: starttime (datetime.datetime): datetime object corresponding to start time. endtime (datetime.datetime): datetime object corresponding to end time from which to subtract starttime. str_format (str, default='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): time format of str if strattime or endtime are str objects that need to be converted to datetime objects. unit (str, default=mins): time unit for returning time_elapsed Returns: time_elapased (datetime.datetime) """ if type(starttime) == str: starttime = datetime.strptime(starttime, str_format) if type(endtime) == str: endtime = datetime.strptime(endtime, str_format) d_s = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() d_mins, d_hrs = lbt_utils.convert_seconds(d_s) if unit == 'mins': return d_mins elif unit == 'hrs': return d_hrs else: print('unit needs to be one of: mins, hrs.')
def time_change_from_frame_count(frame_count, time_between_frames=0.2, unit='mins')
Returns time elapsed based on frame count and time between frames.
- number of frames.
, default=0.2
- time between frames in seconds.
, default=mins
- time unit for returning time_elapsed
time_elapased (int)
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def time_change_from_frame_count(frame_count, time_between_frames=0.2, unit='mins'): """ Returns time elapsed based on frame count and time between frames. Args: frame_count (int): number of frames. time_between_frames (float, default=0.2): time between frames in seconds. unit (str, default=mins): time unit for returning time_elapsed Returns: time_elapased (int) """ d_s = frame_count * time_between_frames d_mins, d_hrs = lbt_utils.convert_seconds(d_s) if unit == 'mins': return d_mins elif unit == 'hrs': return d_hrs else: print('unit needs to be one of: mins, hrs.')